The Tale of a Trail – Part Two

The Rhenigidale Zig-zag Path

The Rhenigidale Zig-zag Path

There are numerous routes to enjoy, but for the adventure of a change of height – a thousand feet in almost as many steps – follow the second instalment of the blog by Marc Calhoun. His photography captures something of the well-tracked trail.

The view of Trollamarig Beach has incidental interest in that there was once a store on the shore for provisions. They would have been brought by sea and the improvised shop served the communities of Rhenigidale and Molinginish. Now it’s a take-your-own arrangement for the villagers of the former and the week-enders at the latter.

Marc’s account indicates how important it is to plan and to enquire about routes. The shoreline way to Molinginish looks passable, almost attractive. Walkers beware; it’s not. The path there diverts at the summit after (or before) the zig-zag.