Finance, Food and Forecasts

The Post Office, Backhill, Berneray

The Post Office, Backhill, Berneray

Ardmaree Stores, Berneray

Ardmaree Stores,  Berneray

Lobster Pot Tearoom, part of the Ardmaree Stores

Lobster Pot Tearoom, part of the Ardmaree Stores

The Forecasting Stone on Berneray

The Forecasting Stone on Berneray

There is much to see in and around Berneray and a number of facilities that are particularly useful to hostel-users. At Backhill, the main settlement, is a Post Office where finance and mailing facilities are available. At the ferry terminal end of the village is the well-stocked Ardmaree Stores and Lobster Pot Tearoom (Summer Opening: Monday – Saturday 9.00 – 20.30). There is also the Forecasting Stone which enables visitors to gauge the weather in the simplest and obvious of ways!