Rainbow to Rhenigidale

Now here’s a blog that was hoisted into cyberspace – rather like this rainbow – on 1 November last. It’s the work of Ken Ilgunas, who describes himself as a former cart-pushing New York suburbanite turned Alaska-inspired, Thoreau-style traveller. Read what he says, particularly about his walk, stay and ride out of Rhenigidale on the Read More …

Arithmetic Lesson

The decline in island population numbers during the first half of the last century is well-illustrated in the answer, involving a series of place-names and figures, to a parliamentary question – reported in Hansard in December 1960. There was, for example, a 50% reduction at Rhenigidale during that time. However, two facts should be stated. Read More …

Go Off-Grid?

Some 18 months ago a journalist wrote a piece for The Guardian about settlements without wi-fi, mobile or television connections. Among the places he located was Rhenigidale. The telephone was a long time coming, but once it arrived there was a difference. It was via a radio link to Skye rather than by telephone lines Read More …